Media and entertainment, writing

Chapter 12 – Time is Running Out + Chester Bennington and 320 Changes Direction

Linkin Park 2

Above is a picture of Chester Bennington, lead singer of the amazing band, Linkin Park. On July 20, 2017, he committed suicide.

The reason I’m sharing this on my Object and Objective post is because I listened to a lot of Linkin Park while writing this series. Their music inspired many of my other books as well, not to mention that Linkin Park got me through high school and helped mold my artistic outlook as a whole. The loss of both Chester’s musical talent, and him as a human being, is a great one. His music inspired me as a writer, and I wish I could have somehow gotten the chance to let him know that.

His band members have asked that we join 320 Changes Direction, a site set up by Chester’s wife, Talinda. Please follow the link (or click the image) to see what you can do to help and to educate yourself about depression and the signs.


Chapter 12 – “Time Is Running Out” of Object and Objective is live now. Click here to view the chapter.

Want to read from the beginning? Chapter 1 – Unopened.

Not sure what Object and Objective is? Click the main tab above to view details about the project, as well as credits and links to the site.

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