
Floating Basketballs

Ever find something so singularly striking that it sticks with you for years?

I first heard this song in high school, then forgot about it until about two weeks ago. Every few years, a couple lines might come to me, or I’d picture a scene or two from the video. But it wasn’t until tonight I looked it up and watched it again.

…then I immediately added it onto the playlist for my new Camp NaNoWriMo project (starting in just a few hours, whew). I find this song weirdly inspiring. Maybe because the music video plays heavily into E.T., one of my all-time favorite films. Maybe because it’s melancholy. Either way, it’s aiding my creative spirit, which has been pretty silent these last three months.

This month, I’ll be writing some sci-fi flash fiction stories, thirty-one total (one per day). I’m calling the project Oculi Hominum, and have literally no idea what the stories will be about yet. I’m trying to do the same thing I’ve done before with flash fiction challenges where I free-write nonstop until the story is finished. With luck, I’ll come out on the other side with thirty-one new, completed tales I can then polish and start submitting to publishers again.

Starting with this song, I’m building a playlist for the entire month. If you’d like to follow it and enjoy some more songs I find weirdly inspiring, you can follow it here: https://open.spotify.com/user/1obbwso0sg2sao5d8cf63hngi/playlist/0z4Dqejpp9FfW2TbNlfznx?si=2wSmfXVER3mBFC7Z8uHobQ

If you’re also participating in July Camp ‘WriMo, let me know! I’d also love to hear more song suggestions.

Now go do some writing!

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